What We Do

  • Business Intelligence
  • Data management/automation
  • Data quality
  • Visualisation

Business Intelligence: Getting to the heart of your data quickly. Understanding how your data flows. And planning for the future to ensure that you’ll always have access to it. Within the analysis framework, and with these tools, we spend more time on the analysis than the data management. Automation of our processes is something we also offer, so that the smart, capable people who do analytics spend a lot less time mulling over each row of it to ensure that it is picture perfect. Our primary tools are Tableau and Alteryx.

We’re able to get to the so-whats of your data quickly and easily. We’ve now worked in almost every imaginable industry, and the common themes are clear to us. Most businesses that make or sell things utilise outdated procurement strategies or underutilise contract negotiations with their logistics carriers. Our suite of vizzing tools can show you where to focus your efforts, your expansions, and where you may be missing an opportunity to save a lot of money in your supply chain.

The following example shows a network that is not optimised, compared with the optimisation techniques that Alteryx can provide for clients.

 Data Management and Reporting

This was developed before our relationship (romance?) with Alteryx began. This still speaks to our general process, though. We use Alteryx instead of Python now: it is faster and easier for us.

Communication is key to the success of any company or project, and reports
are the means for any organisation to communicate. We can aid you in data collection, reporting, quality assurance, and analysis.  You needn’t be a sophisticated data organisation.

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Data Quality

Since 2021, we’ve been working in the Data Quality field. We work closely with data governance professionals to execute policy, automate workflows, and also provide feedback to IT and database professionals on data architecture, data modeling. This is a niche field, but its application saves a lot of money, time, effort, mistakes, downstream errors, lost revenue, unnecessary shipments, returns, and recalls within the supply chain.

Moving past Excel and the ‘Data Janitor’ realm

We know you’re in business to do what you love and to make money, and every hour spent on non-billable work is inefficient. We’re here to help you better manage your resources and make your processes more efficient, so you can focus on your core competencies.

We are with you—You’ve grown to that point where you have to know what is happening, but you’ve outgrown Excel. We can help. From creating tracking systems to dashboards, or just improving what you have incrementally, we work with businesses of all sizes to improve the clarity of the metrics they need to make decisions, to tell stories, and to be and effective consumer and communicator of the values, figures, and ideas they collect. Alteryx is a huge ally in this: it can bridge the gap from unstructured to semi-structured data until the systems become more sophisticated. Unleash the power of your data—free it from its (ex)cell.

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