Reporting and automation

Your reports are complex. They’re time sensitive. Which report right now is the most frustrating? Would you love to have that automated?

Depending on the size of your organisation and budget, we can displace some of that heartache. At Nike, Cedric automated huge processes that were replicable and regular. But for a non-enterprise client, there is still hope. For a monthly retainer, we will manage your reporting regime, allowing your employees, who are closer and perhaps more intimate with the data itself, the flexibility and ability to shirk the boring stuff off to us.

With over 15 years of experience, we can create reporting processes that are quick, painless, and easy. If your analysts are busy spending hours of their time (or even days as Cedric did 15 years ago!) performing data janitoring, that’s when you need the clean, concise, and automating powers of Alteryx that Colourless Green can bring you for a fraction of the annual licencing cost.