About the name

Cedric Justice’s first foray into the marketplace started out in the field of applied linguistics. Linguistics is more than just learning languages. It’s also the study of languages; it is the scientific study of language. Teamed up with a minor in computer science, the analytical processes were developed early on.

Linguist Noam Chomsky once used the term ‘colourless green ideas sleep furiously’ to exemplify how grammar is structured. To a native English speaker, this sounds like a well-formed sentence. Semantically, though, it is meaningless. The British use of the U in ‘colour’ reflects our global focus, global reach, and internationally focused training.

To add meaning to this generally meaningless phrase, we decided to employ both the old and new sets of training and disciplines and connect the dots; something that energy analysis, sustainability, management consulting, supply-chain analysis, and working with people leads to.

For us, “colourless” connotes transparency and clarity. People are often unaware of how energy is produced, used, and what it costs—or how their goods are manufactured, shipped, and packaged. We work behind the scenes—invisibly—to clarify that. “Green,” obviously refers to the environment, but also to a business’s bottom line. Our goal is to translate the meaning of your data into a valuable, actionable story. Whether you’re a small business, a global producer of manufactured goods, an internet retailer, or an energy-efficiency company writing a detailed report, understanding the real-world implications of your data is top priority to us. This understanding ultimately reduces bottom-line costs, and highly increases the company’s understanding of what they do.